Advantages and disadvantages of green tea | Benefits of consuming green tea on an empty stomach

Benefits and Cons of Green Tea - The benefits of consuming green tea on an empty stomach are discussed in detail in this episode of Neoteric IT.Advant

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Many of us eat green tea. There are many who do not consume green tea but are familiar with green tea. There are numerous benefits of consuming green tea properly. Regular consumption of green tea increases the glow of the skin by removing the signs of aging. Green tea brings many benefits to our body. Today's post will discuss the benefits of green tea, what is green tea good for and side effects of green tea. So let's find out without delay:- In this article of Neoteric IT, the benefits and harms of green tea are discussed in detail. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Green Tea - Benefits of Drinking Green Tea on an Empty Stomach - green tea -

Advantages and Disadvantages of Green Tea - Benefits of Drinking Green Tea on an Empty Stomach - green tea -

Benefits of green tea 

Green tea is very beneficial for the body if you eat it properly. Green tea is good for weight control along with preventing aging. Moreover, green tea has numerous other health benefits. 

Prevents aging problems 

Green tea is rich in antioxidants which slows down the aging process by reducing the appearance of fine lines. In other words, regular consumption of green tea does not show signs of aging.

Prevents cancer 

Green tea contains a type of substance called polyphenols. It prevents the growth of cancer cells in the body. So by consuming green tea regularly, one can stay far away from the problem of cancer. 

Controls blood pressure 

Regular consumption of green tea reduces the risk of high blood pressure. That is, blood pressure is under control by drinking green tea. It can reduce the risk of heart disease by up to 44 percent. So green tea can be consumed to control blood pressure. 

Eliminates bad breath 

Regular consumption of green tea destroys the oral bacteria inside the mouth. So drinking green tea removes bad breath very easily. 

Eliminates acne problems 

Green tea is a very effective ingredient to remove acne. It usually clears acne without causing any irritation or dryness to the skin. 

Makes the skin soft and smooth 

A mixture of green tea leaves and honey helps to make the skin soft and smooth by removing the dirt and dead cells from the hair follicles. Also, green tea plays an effective role in removing various types of blemishes from the skin. 

Relieves itching and inflammation 

Green tea works as an excellent toner. A toner made with green tea and used two to three times a day plays an effective role in removing itching and inflammation of the skin. 

Prevents hair loss 

Three to four green tea bags should be boiled for one hour in one liter of water and cooled. Then wash the hair with that water after shampooing and conditioning the hair. Using this will make your hair thicker and stronger. Moreover, this pack will play a great role in strengthening the hair roots and preventing hair loss.

Helps in weight loss - Green tea consumption rules for weight loss - Which green tea is good for weight loss

As a result of regular consumption of green tea, the number of bad cholesterol in the body starts to decrease and the body weight decreases. So those who have extra fat in their body can drink green tea regularly if they want. 

Controls diabetes 

Blood glucose levels are controlled by consuming green tea. Because its ingredients help to increase the amount of insulin. Through which diabetes can be kept under control. 

Green tea consumption rules

To get the maximum benefits of green tea, you must eat it in the right way. Because green tea contains antioxidants vitamin A, B, B5, E, C, zinc, caffeine, calcium magnesium and many other important ingredients. So you must know its correct use. 

Many people consume green tea as a result of eating food, causing more harm than good to the body. Moreover, green tea cannot be consumed on an empty stomach. According to experts, green tea should be consumed in between two heavy meals. To get the most benefits of green tea, it should be consumed 2 hours before or 2 hours after a heavy meal. 

Many people wake up in the morning and drink green tea. If they want, they can drink green tea after breakfast. Because drinking green tea after eating something does not cause the problem of gas. Do not drink green tea before going to bed at night as it may cause insomnia. 

Side effects of green tea 

As green tea is very beneficial for our body, its excessive use can cause damage to the body. The side effects that can occur in the body after consuming excess amount of green tea are mentioned below:-

➡️ Green tea contains a type of substance called catechin. Long-term use of it can cause problems like agitation, insomnia and restlessness in people.

Excessive consumption of green tea can cause liver damage. Especially those with very weak liver can avoid green tea. 

Green tea can be dangerous for those who have anemia. It is known that the amount of iron in the blood decreases due to consumption of green tea. 

➡️If you consume more than two cups of green tea a day, it will remove calcium from your body and weaken your bones. So one should never consume excess green tea. 

➡️Green tea contains caffeine which should generally not be consumed by patients during pregnancy. Doing so can cause serious harm to the patient. 

Moreover, there are numerous other side effects of consuming excessive amounts of green tea. So if you want to eat green tea then you can eat it in small amount regularly then it will not cause any adverse effect on the body. 

Which green tea is good - How to know the real green tea

do you know  How to know the real green tea ? Many people ask which green tea is better. Ispahani Premium Green Tea is very popular in Bangladesh and is used by many people. Moreover, many people use green tea. These two brands of green tea can undoubtedly be consumed and will bring good benefits to the body. 

Green tea price in Bangladesh

There are many types of green tea brands in Bangladesh. The price of green tea varies depending on the brand. Liptin is one of the best green tea brands in Bangladesh. The price of 100 bags of Liptin brand green tea is only 590 taka. Moreover, the price of 50 packs of Mirzapur brand green tea is only 79 taka. The price of 25 packs of twining pure green tea is currently taka 410. 

Finally, I hope that by reading today's post, you have got a complete understanding of the benefits of green tea and the rules for consuming green tea. Even then, if there is any kind of question about this or if there is any kind of difficulty in understanding about the post, then you can definitely comment. Your valuable query will be answered in very quick time. thank you 

Thanks for read the post. You can also read the article in bangla - green-tea

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