health tips

Ways to stop eating beedi What is the harm of smoking cigarettes - cigarette er khoti

Smoking or consuming bidis is very harmful to our health. Through this, in addition to self-harm, the people around are also greatly harmed...

Benefits of eating dates Benefits of dates for men Rules for eating dates - khejur er upokarita

Dates are a favorite food of many of us. This fruit is as tasty as it is packed with many nutrients. Dates are rich in various nutrients lik...

Benefits of eating Chirata in the morning on an empty stomach | Chirota khawar niyom

Drinking water on an empty stomach is very beneficial for our body. Many of us know it as veggie medicine. Chirta water works great to cure...

How to improve vision | How to take care of eyes

Due to the decrease in the brightness of many people, the eyesight becomes weaker. Sometimes we are reducing the eyesight power of our eyes,...

Benefits of sleeping early at night | Problems caused by sleeping late at night

Sleep is very important for being healthy. Adequate amount of sleep in proper order keeps the body healthy. Lack of sleep in the body incre...

Fenugreek benefits and eating | rules Uses and side effects of methi

Methi is a very beneficial ingredient for our health. From body to hair and skin care, methi works great. Many are unaware of the amazing he...

Advantages and disadvantages of green tea | Benefits of consuming green tea on an empty stomach

Many of us eat green tea. There are many who do not consume green tea but are familiar with green tea. There are numerous benefits of consum...

Benefits of iron tablets | Rules for taking iron tablets

Iron is a very useful element for our body. Iron deficiency in the body causes many problems. Iron deficiency can be easily remedied by taki...

What are the causes of excess body hair in men? | How to grow chest hair in boys

Body hair is usually more or less all over. Hair appears on the hands, feet, neck, chest, neck, and back of the wrists. Again, this hair is...

Explain cryosurgery treatment procedure

In the evolving landscape of medical treatments, cryosurgery stands out as an innovative and effective technique that uses extreme cold to ...